Happy rhododendron in my son’s garden. Giclees available.
Copyright © 2025 by Paulette Engler - All Rights Reserved
Happy rhododendron in my son’s garden. Giclees available.
Needing a bit of color and joy in late 2024, red poppies were the answer.
Joy is in the air with a new candidate for President.
A view from the marsh.
Painting these flowering cherry blossoms was involved but somehow the French word for “hope” kept creeping into my mind and so that’s the name.
Oh memories of shellfish delights in France.
Snowdrops are the beginning of Spring in my garden.
A view up the street from a friend’s house in Novato.
Glorious French radishes.
Homage to another artist. His in oil, mine in watercolor.
A particularly beautiful rhododendron living in an old friend’s garden inspired this watercolor.
I love painting food and while recently housebound, this kept my interest and passed the time quickly.
A forced time healing from a fall led me to this view of grapes. Loved all the colors and the time spent “elsewhere.” SOLD
Out my studio window is a lovely star magnolia and the early Spring blooming along lichen covered branches – so appealed to me.
Growing in my garden and early Spring blooming.
Peonies from a neighbor’s garden, lovely shades of white to pink in the petals.
Another view of a field of flowers in Grass Valley. Giclees available.
Inspired by the incredible colors of trees this year and ones we normally don’t see, a fall view of the woods.
I love reading David Lebovitz’s blog from Paris. He posted a photo that was the inspiration for this very French bowl with fruit.
Thank you, David Lebovitz, for posting this great photo which was my inspiration for this painting. Giclees (archival pigment prints) available.
I wanted to paint something different with a fuzzy background.
A study in blue and water in a jar.
The beveled door to the hotel in Portland where I usually stay has a door that constantly changes due to what happens on the street. I’ve painted it before but took a little different view this time.
Another food painting, this time of Halibut.
Deconstructed radish salad, from a photo by a New York food photographer. Giclees (archival pigment prints) available.
Working from a food photographer’s image, I found painting the fruit to be a rewarding challenge. Giclees (archival pigment prints) available.
The background really gave the name to this painting of a single petal rose.
I love cheese in all its forms. Voici French cheeses! SOLD but giclees are available.
A San Francisco park crabapple tree with its darks and lights captured my interest.
a fabulous meal at Chez Albert in Biarritz SOLD
My favorite view of an artichoke seen in a Napa garden. Giclees (archival pigment prints) available.
Ranunculus at Filoli, an estate and gardens south of San Francisco. I have always loved these flowers for their cheerful demeanor and vibrant colors. SOLD
A Garden Tour of gardens in Grass Valley and Nevada City years ago resulted in a photo of a field of wild flowers, poppies and sweet peas. Giclees (archival pigment prints) are available.
A New Yorker article on a restaurant in New York City caught my eye. The photograph by William Mebane was so intriguing in the juxtaposition of fabric flowers, fish and chips and pomegranates. I needed a challenge and this image fulfilled the promise.
Oak Leaf hydrangea leaves in the fall are brilliantly colored and these were outside my son’s kitchen window.
I live in a beautiful part of the world and the hills offer time spent in nature and in admiration Sold but small giclees are available.
Some of the flowers are Gomphrena Globosa but “Fireworks” as a title fits the feeling of them so much more. SOLD
The table decoration from a wedding mid Pandemic.
This peony lives in the front of my son’s house and people knock on his door asking what it is…a gorgeous peony, dinner plate size. Painted in honor of the previous inhabitant, a dear friend who planted it.
Time spent in the details kept my focus during this difficult time. Giclees (archival pigment prints) are available.
Late afternoon in the vineyard in Napa.
What glorious colors the morning brings to vegetables at the market in Paris.
Bodega Bay is lovely and now fairly empty of visitors…this is the view of the harbor from Doran Beach.
A bright promise of springtime.
A friend shared a photo from the New Yorker restaurant review of Pastis and since I love good moules with frites, voila…a painting. However, I did exchange the martini for a glass of Sancerre. SOLD
A French garden view – poppies and delphiniums – darks and lights in a garden of floral delights. Giclees (archival pigment prints) are available.
Damien, a fabulous baker and my French cousin, sent me a photo of his latest culinary triumph…it had to be painted if I couldn’t taste it myself. SOLD
The end of summer flowers…the roses have ended but the dahlias linger on.at the Russian River Rose Company in Healdsburg.
A visit to the local nursery and voila! Lush red roses. Giclees (archival pigment prints) are available.
My favorite breakfast at the Abbaye des Vaux de Cernay. 2nd Place, Marin County Fair, 2019 4th Place, Napa Town and Country Fair, 2019
Heuchera has the most marvelous textured leaves with the pop of color on the undersides. Saw these at the Mendocino Botanical Garden in May. SOLD
The folds of a peony hold many secrets and the title seemed apt.
I loved getting lost in all the roses and leaves – painted on 400 lb. Arches paper. This was painted as a triptych and framed together. Also known as “Menage a Trois.” Giclees (archival pigment prints) are available.
From a photograph taken at a farm park in Essex some years ago, wonderful mixture of flowers, colors and textures. SOLD
An intimate view of the center of a rose – I tend to go back to these as they are the closest I get to abstract painting
West Marin is one of the most lovely places in our area and a drive along Tomales Bay always reveals new views.
Hellebores are some of my favorite flowers but it’s the colors that attracted me to this one. Giclees available as well.
This reminded a friend of the chocolates that had a cherry in the center, hence the name. A lovely tree with cherries near Joue-les-Tours in France inspired this painting. First Place, Napa Town & Country Fair, 2019
Will have to think of a better name for the flowers that remind me of France…but for now, it will have to do. Honorable Mention, Marin County Fair, 2019 Award of Merit, Napa Town & Country Fair, 2019 SOLD BUT ARCHIVAL PIGMENT PRINTS ARE AVAILABLE.
April has brought on a spectacular display of rhododendrons in my garden. SOLD to someone who saw it at the Marin County Fair.
This has been an exceptional spring for magnolias…such magnificent and self-possessed blossoms. Third in my series of magnolias. SOLD
I was intrigued by an image in Veranda magazine, featuring the work of Lewis Miller Designs in New York City. Loved all the colors, the exuberance of the arrangements and it was a joyous experience painting the floral arrangement. This painting was included in Lewis Miller Design’s blog. http://lewismillerdesign.com/happy-friday/ Giclees (archival pigment prints) available… Read more »
A beautiful bride and gorgeous bouquet…a wedding at City Hall in San Francisco…a joyous time. NFS
My daughter-in-law took the wonderful photo of the Japanese Garden in the fall…the colors, shadows…all caught my eye. It’s one of the most beautiful Japanese gardens outside of Japan. Honorable Mention, Marin County Fair, 2018 SOLD
Just outside my brother’s house were these beautiful roses and now that he’s moved away, a lovely reminder of sunny days. SOLD and now lives in New Mexico however giclees (archival pigment prints) of this work are available.
The Oakland Museum has a room with a wall of undersea video images and I fell in love with the delicate dance of kelp, moving so gracefully.
I love red currants and they remind me of French markets. French cousin Damien’s photo was especially lush and appealing. A good exercise in painting round things! Special Award, Marin County Fair, 2018
A vivid sunset as seen in the inside of a rose.
My son’s friend, Peter, posts on Facebook his purchases at the Farmer’s Market and while I didn’t love the composition, I thought this would be a good exercise in painting vegetables and fruits.
I love back lit flowers and the play of color changes due to the light. SOLD Archival Pigment Prints (giclees) available.
A painting of a friend’s wedding bouquet. NFS
The view of Tomales Bay and Fist or Black Mountain in the distance has always appealed to me.
Last year’s attendance at a fundraiser in Napa, “Crush MS,” resulted in this photo of grapes in the vineyard. Putting the wine glass aside, I wandered in the vineyard taking many, many photos – one lead me to this painting, the third in a series of grapes. SOLD
A lovely photo of a pond with water lilies in Kauai inspired this painting using my favorite blue colors.
Mary, the intrepid traveler, was in New York City at Christmas and took photos of decorated store windows. To stretch myself, I painted this one…quite the challenge and probably won’t be repeated again!
The ornamental pear trees outside the community center were a blaze of colors even on a day without much sun. The variety of colors was amazing and could not be denied. SOLD
Needing a distraction from the stresses of our Presidential election, painting the complexity of magnolias and branches seen from below helped. SOLD
The raccoons have ravished the persimmon tree this year…every day more broken branches and half eaten persimmons. This is what I salvaged, the little raccoon bites are on the top right persimmon – hopefully this is not a portent of things to come next year. NFS
A trip to the DeYoung museum and the Boston Ivy arbor outside resulted in this painting. This was one of the most satisfying paintings I’ve done…loved all the ins and outs of the twigs and background. Giclees (archival pigment prints) available.
I am fascinated by the fall colors of persimmon trees and this one is the most vibrant yet. SOLD
This portrait of the artist Susie Rosenberg shows her drawing out her painting with the projected image appearing in part on her back. It made such a great photo so a commission followed. I have to thank Cara Brown for her input on this painting. All in all, very abstract and a joy to paint,… Read more »
The gardens at Filoli has the most glorious flowers – the sweet peas were gorgeous but difficult to capture with a photograph and the best of the lot resulted in this painting. SOLD
We often go to Inverness near Point Reyes and this is a familiar view of the mountain known as Black or Fist Mountain across Tomales Bay. SOLD but giclees (archival pigment prints) are available.
Madeleine brought flowers from her garden to our painting group and the colors were so rich, especially the blue geranium flowers.
The photo for this image was taken at a great nursery in Loomis…the play of colors and shapes of the leaves were so appealing. SOLD Giclee prints available.
Dogwoods are such fascinating trees – love the white ones but in need of subject matter to paint, I used a photo of dogwoods at Filoli taken by Cara Brown.
I couldn’t get enough of the lovely tree next to the house so decided a companion piece for Star Magnolias I was needed. SOLD
Peter posted a photo of what he bought at the farmers market and I was captivated by all the colors and textures. I may never paint another orange though!
Star Magnolias make splashy entrances into Spring. SOLD
This hanging branch of roses caught my eye in a garden in Bolinas in November where few flowers were in bloom. I love the look of blooms when the light is behind them.
Roses at the end of their bloom – I loved the fading ones on the right. SOLD
Finally after so many comings and goings, I decided the beveled door at the hotel was worthy of being photographed…and much later, need to be painted. Giclees (archival pigment prints) available.
A person wearing these colors would be considered a tad gaudy but on foxgloves, you can pull off their natural color. SOLD
I loved the colors – the garden persimmon tree in its most vibrant form. SOLD
Rhododendrons fascinate me with all their curled petals.
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